Thank You to our Interns and Volunteers!

As our programming year comes to a close, Sociedad Latina would like to celebrate the group of interns and volunteers who have worked hard to ensure the quality of our Arts & Culture, College & Career, STEAM Team, Development, and Family Engagement programs! Sociedad Latina would not be able to work with the number of youth that we do now without these dedicated team members. We are excited to continue working together and are hopeful of what is to come in their future.


Gismelkhis Muñoz

“Working at Sociedad Latina makes me feel like I am part of a family. I am more confident when I walk into the office and I feel like everyone really knows me.”

Youth Artists Alumna, College & Career Pathways Intern

Senior, Fenway High School


Sydney Kats

Academy for Latinos Achieving Success (ALAS) Intern

Senior, Simmons University


Stephanie Aguayo

Development & Marketing Intern

Senior, Massachusetts College of Art & Design


Yajaira Alvarenga

College & Career Pathways and STEAM Team Intern

STEM Escalera Alumna

Senior at Fenway High School


Joana Fernandez-Nunez

Academy for Latinos Achieving Success (ALAS), STEAM Team, and Padres Comprometidos Intern

Junior, Williams College


Angela Ortiz

Academy for Latinos Achieving Success (ALAS) Intern

Senior, Harvard University


John Waters

Music Clubhouse Work Study

Senior, Berklee College of Music


Alex Restivo

Music Clubhouse Work Study

Junior, Berklee College of Music

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Peter Myhalenko

Music Clubhouse Work Study

Senior, Berklee College of Music


Nelson Lozano

Health Educator, STEAM Team Intern

Sophomore, East Boston High School


Escalera Volunteers

Lucy Wickings- Harvard University, Daniela Betancourt- Harvard University, Jannely Villarreal- Harvard University, Sergio Nunez- Harvard Medical Student, Paul Yanez- Harvard University, Evans Berreondo Giron- Harvard University, Karen Malcon- Harvard University, Zenaida Rodriguez- Simmons University, Christopher Romero- Harvard University, Christopher Rios- Harvard University, Evan Potts- Harvard Medical Student

Maria Grande