Community Garden brought to YOU

Our Health Educators have been hard at work educating their peers and community residents about food justice. This project came about from community feedback shedding light on the lack of food accessibility and bilingual nutrition education programs in the Mission Hill/Roxbury community.

In partnership with the Tobin Community Center, our Health Educatos revitalized the Tobin Community Garden, as one solution to increase the amount of healthier accessible food options. At the Tobin Community Garden, community residents in Mission Hill/Roxbury had the opportunity to select a plot and grow vegetables of their choice. Throughout the spring, our Health Educators created transplant starters for vegetables that cannot be planted directly into the soil. Some of these vegetables included scallions, collard greens, tomatoes, eggplant, brussel sprouts, spinach, and more! They also been managed the maintenance of the garden by raking, weeding, setting up garden beds, and adding new compost regularly.

They expanded their work throughout the summer by holding a series of peer-to-peer workshops to educate and empower young people in the community to make positives changes that allow for greater access to healthy foods. They hope to inspire the community and help them better understand the importance of gardening and sustainability. 

Maria Grande